DrugPatentWatch Report Store

The DrugPatentWatch Report Store offers a curated selection of downloadable reports focusing on drug patents and excipients. Reports in the DrugPatentWatch Report Store are developed based on customer feedback and preferences, ensuring relevance and usability for our valued clients.

Why Reports?

Some clients prefer downloadable reports over utilizing the comprehensive DrugPatentWatch business intelligence platform for quick access to specific information.

Track Drug Patents

Explore detailed reports on drug patents, including expiration dates, patent litigation, and patent exclusivity information, providing valuable insights for pharmaceutical industry professionals.

Grow Your Excipients Business

Discover reports specifically tailored to excipient data, including usage in drug formulations, market trends, and competitive analysis, empowering excipient makers to integrate patent intelligence to proactively identify business development opportunities.


  • Convenient: Downloadable reports offer quick access to relevant information without navigating a complex platform.
  • Focused: Reports provide targeted insights on specific topics, saving time and effort for busy professionals.
  • Actionable: Detailed data in reports enable strategic decision-making and business planning.

DrugPatentWatch - Make Better Decisions
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